Thursday 30 May 2013

What Is the Connection Between Autism and Learning Disabilities?

Autism is a broad term used to describe a spectrum of disorders. Defined as a developmental condition associated with atypical brain function, autism has many presentations that are generally accompanied by some degree of learning disability. One's inability to convey his or her thoughts and relate to his or her environment makes treating autism and learning disabilities all the more challenging.

Symptoms of autism and learning disabilities can present as impaired social, behavioral and language skills. Generally emerging by a child’s third year, autistic children have a hard time making friends and relating to others. Some children with autism and learning disabilities engage in repetitive behaviors, exhibit sensory sensitivity and a pronounced sense of detachment from their environment and other people.

Children with autism and learning disabilities may experience difficulty memorizing words or numbers, demonstrate an inability to understand how words relate to one another within a sentence, or are unable to comprehend what they read. Those who have difficulty with writing may be unable to organize and express their thoughts on paper. Frequently, frustration stemming from one’s inability to process or convey information can confound existing behavioral issues, such as tantrums.
If a learning disability is not properly addressed when an autistic child is young, learning difficulties can carry over into adulthood. Low self-esteem and a lack of confidence can develop as a result of an autistic child’s learning disability. Depending on the severity of the disability, occupational issues may arise for autistic adults necessitating special accommodations in the workplace. For instance, an individual with a reading disability may require verbal instruction rather than being given written directions.

The behavioral and social difficulties an autistic child experiences can further complicate an existing learning disability. Therefore, treatment for autism and learning disabilities is often multi-faceted. On the one hand you have the necessity of specialized attention and on the other hand there is the need to make proper adjustments to suit the child’s treatment program. Autistic children often work with a range of therapists, such as speech and behavioral therapists, who help bring cohesiveness and structure to the child’s life.

Autism and learning disabilities, as comorbid conditions, both require behavioral and educational therapies and consistent structure. Attention to minimizing negative behaviors and reinforcing positive ones is key to any successful treatment approach for a child with autism and learning disabilities. Children with autism and learning disabilities generally thrive in a structured environment, therefore, the earlier an appropriate behavioral plan is implemented the better.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

What Is the Connection Between Autism and Dyslexia?

The main connection between autism-dyslexia is that they are both developmental disabilities. Both of them are neurological impairments that interfere with the ability of a person to perform certain activities. Dyslexia is a direct type of learning disability that impairs the ability of people who are suffering from it to read, and autism cripples the ability of people who have it to learn how to interact socially with other people. Another connection between autism and dyslexia is that both of them usually are childhood disorders that cannot be cured; they can only be managed.

Autism and dyslexia are disorders that affect the people who suffer from them in various ways. Autistic individuals might suffer from the disorder to varying degrees, which usually is determined by referring to the autism spectrum, characterized by an assessment and grouping of various disorders that affect the ability of individuals to communicate effectively with others and to interact with them in a social setting. People who are suffering from autism have a deficiency in their neural development that impairs the ability of the victims to communicate or relate to others normally.
A link between autism and dyslexia also can be seen in the fact that just like autism, dyslexia also has various forms and degrees of intensity. Dyslexia can affect the ability of a person to associate sounds or spoken words to symbols and letters. It might affect the ability of the person to draw a correlation between new information and old information to arrive at a conclusion or understanding about new data. In this sense, dyslexia affects either the long-term or short-term memory of dyslexics in connection with their ability to store information regarding written material.

A consequence of the inability of certain dyslexics to separate spoken words is that this inability is also translated to their writing skills to the effect that they are not able to distinguish separate letters and symbols. For instance, they might hear the pronunciation of certain words in a different manner from what the speaker said. The main problem for dyslexics is their inability to channel new information in a manner that will allow them relate such new information to the old information that they might have learned in the past. The ability to channel information in this manner is what constitutes comprehension — an ability that is necessary for learning the mechanics of reading. Alternate Natural Remedies

The Science of Natural Remedies in aid of Children exhibiting Special Behaviour.

Natural Remedies provided by us are free from any kind of Steroids

Alternate Natural Remedies are made from all natural extracts such as herbs and minerals. They are a set of remedies prepared by using special process of systematic dilution and mixing.These remedies can help to support brain functions and body health in a much fuller and lasting way. autism-dyslexia

Our Approach - In our method , we do not simply match single or multiple symptoms to a remedy to support that condition. Instead, we look for a pattern of symptoms that reveal what the root cause of the condition might be. Once that is identified, with the right remedy, you would provide better support in your child’s overall health .

There are Large number of Remedies. Some are Listed Below :


Alfalfa, an ingredient in remedies for improving alertness
Anacardium-Marking/cashew nut
Sativa - Common oats

Rich source of Vitamins A,E,B6,D
& Ca ,Mg ,K & P.Suitable for supporting vitality & relieves tiredness.
Suitable for absent-mindedness helps alertness.Improves brain nutrition & supports health & functions. Calming & helps alertness, Enhances performance,
Baccopa Muneri - Brahmi
Antioxidant, Improves general performance, mind sharpness, concentration.Calming herb,Helps in restful sleep .Soothing properties helps to reduces nausea, reduces restlessness.Helps in absent mindedness,  concentration.
Kali Phos
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Vital element for brain. Aids in focus,vigor,concentration,Helps to relax tension.Helps alertness & concentrationMany Natural Remedies have been in use since Ancient times to improve various body and mind functions.
Alternate Natural Remedies are made from all natural extracts such as herbs and minerals. They are a set of remedies prepared by using special process of systematic dilution and mixing.These remedies can help to support brain functions and body health in a much fuller and lasting way.
Our Approach - In our method , we do not simply match single or multiple symptoms to a remedy to support that condition. Instead, we look for a pattern of symptoms that reveal what the root cause of the condition might be. Once that is identified, with the right remedy, you would provide better support in your child’s overall health .
Natural Remedies-autism-dyslexia provided by us are free from any kind of Steroids.